sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

VÍDEO: Buttermilk Fried Chicken

VÍDEO: Frango Frito - Estilo KFC - cucinadijuliana.blogspot.com

RECEITA: Pop Corn Chicken

You can make delicious pop corn chicken in your kitchen that you and your family will love.
You can make delicious pop corn chicken in your kitchen that you and your family will love.

Pop Corn Chicken Recipe

You want to purchase skinless boneless chicken breast to make your own pop corn chicken. You will want to cut your chicken breast into pieces about 1"X2" and you want all your pieces to be about the same size.

Make the below breading up in a large bowl.
1. 2 Cups Plain All Purpose Flour.
2. 1 Tablespoon Salt.
3. 1 Tablespoon Black Pepper.
4. 1 Teaspoon Sage.
5. 1 Teaspoon Ground Cayenne Pepper.
6. 1 Package Good Seasons Dry Italian Dressing.
7. 1 Teaspoon Sweet Paprika.

Mix all of the above ingredients together in a large bowl. Be sure that you get all your ingredients mixed together well. 

You will want another bowl with 2 cups of whole milk and 2 large eggs beaten together very well. 

Dip your chicken into the milk/egg mixture and then into the dry breading. Remove the breaded chicken from the breading and be sure that it is coated with the breading on all sides. 

You will want a home deep fryer at 350 degrees and in it you will want to fry your chicken a few pieces at a time until done and golden brown. Drain your chicken on paper towels and serve with BBQ Sauce, Ranch Dressing, or Bleau Cheese Dressing. You can serve carrot sticks and celery sticks and ranch dressing along with the pop corn chicken for a delicious tasty treat. 

This pop corn chicken recipe produces some of the most delicious pop corn chicken you will ever eat.
This pop corn chicken is wonderful as a football half time snack or you can serve with homemade coleslaw and cheesy garlic biscuits for a complete meal. 

Post your comments , tips or suggestions below and let us know what you think about the recipe. Did you make the recipe? How did it turn out for you?

Did you make the pop corn chicken? How did it turn out for you. Post your comments below now.

I think the recipe on this page makes the best pop corn chicken you will ever eat. If you make it please post a comment below.
I think the recipe on this page makes the best pop corn chicken you will ever eat. If you make it please post a comment below.

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

RECEITA: Frango frito crocante

Receita do chefe de cozinha internacional Andrew Scott Bushee

- 1 kg de coxa e sobrecoxa de frango
- 4 ovos
- 500 ml de iogurte
- alho
- pimenta-do-reino preta moída
- orégano
- sal
- cebolinha
- farinha

      Para o vinagrete
      - azeite
      - cebola
      - cebolinha
      - alho
      - tomate
      - sal
      - vinagre
      - orégano

        Modo de fazer:

        Retire a pele e coloque o frango numa vasilha grande e funda. Salpique o sal e tempere a gosto com a pimenta-do-reino, alho e cebolinha picados. Mexa uma primeira vez. Acrescente o iogurte e os ovos já batidos levemente. Corrija o sal e mexa até misturar bem e reserve; se possível faça essa etapa no dia anterior e deixe o frango marinando nesse tempero. Depois é passar o frango na farinha de trigo e levar para fritar até ficar bem dourado. O vinagrete faça misturando o tomate cortado em cubinhos com pele e semente; cebola, cebolinha e alho coloque picados; acrescente orégano, sal a gosto, um pouco de vinagre e azeite. Misture tudo e está pronto. A escolha de acompanhamento para o frango e o vinagrete fica por conta do cozinheiro.

        Dicas do cozinheira:

        - O chefe de cozinha Andrew recomenda temperar o frango um dia antes de ser feito.
        - Quanto mais tempo marinar o frango mais ele pega o tempero
        - Os ingredientes utilizados no tempero deixam o frango crocante, suculento e macio.
        - Esta receita é típica do Sul dos Estados Unidos.
        - O frango pode fritar e comer na hora, ou levar para comer quando quiser.